ELIE SAAB by Janie Same

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ELIE SAAB has always been famous for its luxurious, noble, elegant and gorgeous dresses. Known as “the cloakroom of God”. A large number of designs, such as silk satin, pearlescent fabrics, light chiffon, silver tassels and exquisite embroidery, have been used to construct charming and colorful dreamy costumes for people again and again, bringing people magnificent imagination.
Elie Saab’s interest in dressmaking started at age 9, when he began making clothes for his sisters, and as an adolescent he was selling his creations to the women in his neighborhood. In 1982 he opened his couture atelier in Beirut, with a dozen employees; he soon presented his first collection and instantly won critical attention.
The book illustrates the designer’s creative achievements and tells the story of his dresses worn by his famous clients from actresses like Kate Winslet , Angelina Jolie , Celine Dion, to monarchs , including Sweden’s Princess Victoria and Princess Charlotte of Monaco .
Book author journalist Janie Same is a fashion authority,she has been awarded Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and Officier des Arts et des Lettres. This book collecting in 280 pages more than 200 photos courtesy of renowned photographer Laziz Hamani.
The publication can be an elegant gift for anyone who is interested in fashion, the creativity of Elie Saab or just looking for inspiration.
Author:Janie Same
Printed by:Artron Art Printing